
When your team is struggling do you still show your face?

by Guest33575  |  earlier

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I find this question to be really funny. Mostly because I remember that around Mid-June the Brewers were in dead last (Yes, behind the Pirates) and there would only be about 2 Brewers fans around here. Now all of them seem to have come out. Same thing with the Astros' fans, where were you guys a month ago??? Now all of the Cardinal's fans seem to have left with the exception of a couple.

So my question is, Do you show your face around here when your team is in a huge slump like lets say my Cubbies are???????




  1. yes, i am a mets fan and i don't hide. gotta believe

  2. Check my points dude--I have been on here for a lifetime!! A lifetime that includes exactly one more trip to the World Series than chub fans have seen in several lifetimes !!!

  3. yes

  4. Definetly yes, a true fan stays with the team in bad times, and good times, one reason I totally respect Cubs fans because they sellout almost every game even when they are losing. I think the number one thing that shows how tough a player is, is not when he is doing good, but what he does when he is doing bad, same thing goes for a fan.

  5. um I just looked on and in mid-June the Brew Crew were in 3rd place. Do your research.

  6. Yeah, but I don't talk much about the Cards.

  7. of course.

    I'm a lifelong dodger fan.

    Win or lose I'm still wearing my blue old Dodger hat.  

  8. Yes i do. I know how you feel. I remember at this time last year 2 or 3 Rays fans where found in this section. Now out of the blue u see hundreds of these bandwagon rays fans claiming they where fans of the team all along that they waited for the time to come in & say something all these excuses. I'm happy for the REAL! Rays fans not those phony fans. To answer another part of your question i still show my face regardless if the Yanks don't go to the Playoffs this year.

  9. Of course! That's the most important time to be on. When the Phils were in that terrible slump in June, I was on here just to defend them. It's not as fun to do that as it is to gloat about a win, but I do what I must as a diehard Phillies fan. haha

  10. Never will wear a trash bag over my head thats for sure! Go WV Power! Win the South Atlantic League Title in 2008!

  11. umm the brewers werent in last place in mid june. as of mid june the brewers were 5.5 games back of the cubs and were in 3rd place. i was on here since the beginning of june and teams go through slumps but that doesnt mean you go and hide.

    thats not being a true fan.

  12. h**l yeah.  I still show my face for my Cardinals.  Even thou they blew another one last night which makes it 30 on the season.  I think they are going for the record.  Still they are only 6 games back and there have been greater comebacks than that.  Just make sure ur cubs win their 6 against the brewers and lose their 6 against the cardinals.  Now is that to much to ask.  Then every one wins.

    But no matter the sport and no matter how bad my team is doing I always stick by them and stand up for them.

    To Joel D :   You are no Cards fan with that comment so dont act like u are one.    Also the Rams suck.

  13. I always do. I have been a die hard A's fan ever since I started watching baseball, and nothing has changed. You guys just wait till next year. We will be better.  

  14. Yes sir, I will show my face on here no matter if my team is winning or losing. Losing is part of baseball, you have to lose to be able to win. I'm a Pirates fan and they have been losing since I was 4 years old and I no matter what happens you have to stay strong with your team and believe they can come over the top and win. It may take a long time, as in my case, but eventually the losing will end and I will be one of the happiest people on the face of the earth. It's only a matter of time. Just like for your Cubs, they will eventually win a WS, maybe not this year, but sometime. It will happen.

  15. Yea when the Rays had that big slump in July I was still supporting them.

  16. Hey boilerrat, we may not have won a World Series since 1908 and you may have been to the World Series in 2005, but how many World Series titles have you won?  Oh yeah, that would be NONE.  Maybe you should wait until your team actually does something before you go on and make fun of another team.  

  17. I think a true fan shows their face and supports their team no matter what. Im a Sox fan, and I showed my face when we were struggling and had the Manny Ramirez distraction. It sucked especially when we lost like we did at the time to a rival like the Yankees but you have to show your face if you're a true fan. If you talk smack you have to be prepared to take it, its mostly the people who talk trash who show they're face only when their teams doing good, because they cant handle people talking smack back.

  18. Yeah. My team has been struggling for a LONG while. I always show my face, I'm a true fan and I don't care if people laugh because how bad they're doing. I show my face no matter what, even if they get swept by the KC Royals and lost the Doubleheader =[

    Good Question. Here's a star.

  19. How Dare you!!!!! ashamed of the cubbies when first time in the whole season they lose 6 in a row you don't want to show your face. after this is over you will be ashamed. Now to answer your question lol . Show your red, white and blueee face. Nobody's face looks better.

  20. I'm here daily AND I still wear my Cubs garb in the real world everyday. 1st thing I did when i got up this morning was throw on my Cubs cap.

    I did, for the 1st time all season put my Colts hat on, on thursday, the Cubs day off this week.

  21. Hi dude, tu sabes que you estoy aqui Siempre :]

    Yes i am the Yankees are not doing what i expected , but i support my ppl and i wore my Yankee Jersey Yesterday and proud of it

  22. yes i still show my face. so what if the cubs are struggling right now? as bad as they've been playing, they still have the best record in the national league and its only a matter of time before they get hot again so i'm not worried about there recent struggles.

  23. Most def. I still show my face..even if the Astros are freaking horrible. Yes I still rock the gear now matter what. I don't do bandwagons.

  24. I used to start work at three am.  Whenever the Yankees and Red Sox would play, i always put out a Red Sox T-shirt to wear the next day, win or lose.  The outcome of the game really decided how well it would be received.  I live in New York, but if my boys won, nobody seemed to notice the shirt.  A Yankee win ensured a morning full of derision from those feeble fair-weatjher fans.

  25. h**l yeah I show my face. I was one of 600 at the Marlins game the other day. Sure, they won't even sniff a playoff spot, but that doesn't take away the enjoyment that a person gets from spending a day at the ball park.  

  26. Of course I do.  Like all the Rangers fan besides myself & one other all left...  

  27. dude. im an orioles fan and if you didnt hear any news about the game last night it was a disaster. 8 runs on one hit which was a grand slam. 4 runs on walks. i stayed for the whole 11-2 beatdown in the pouring rain. our slump is a decade long so unless your a cubs fan (like you) or a pirates fan you cant really complain. but people who dont stick with there team and root for the good teams (like alot of former o's fans switching to the red sox in 04) really p**s me off.

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