
Whenever I have too much salty food, I start craving milk products soon after... WHY?

by  |  earlier

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Is this a coincidence, or is there some property in milk which cancels out the negative effects of the salt?

I could understand being more thirsty in general ie for water to rehydrate... but why the milk?




  1. You're just weird?  I never crave milk.  Yuck!  :p

  2. i do to. not always milk, but i just want a drink

  3. maybe you just like the combination...maybe it's the fact that milk cleans you pallate?  Who knows, I don't think it means anything really.

  4. Well usually it could be becuase you instinct from your younger childhood. That you could be craving for milk. But i don't understand salty food? Stop, dont get milk! Get water. Its better for you. Seriously milk isn't really good for you! Trust mee.

    WATERR >.<

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