
Whenever I regret something even a little bit, I feel depressed.?

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Hi, ever since my pet mouse died (May 11) I have felt so much more sad. Every thing I do that I regret (mostly wasting money) I almost cry. For instance, I bought a set of magic tricks. (only $20) The magic tricks were cheap and didn't work, and I almost cried. I would never have done that before. When every thing that isn't perfect or what I expect it to be, I get so sad. I bought a video game today, and I got really nervous, 'cause I thought the game would be a waste of money, I don't know why. Then when I started to play the game I decided to take a break and go on Facebook for a while. And now I feel depressed , and even though the game is fun, my mind tells me I shouldn't have bought it. I feel so sad, I know this might be hard to understand, but please help me. And when I feel, even a bit bored, I get really sad too. If there is a day when a friend can't some over, or there is nothing fun to do, I get sad , and almost cry sometimes. I have never been like this, and I was always happy, but when my mouse died it all changed. What can I do to be more happy?




  1. First off, it's really important that you talk to someone you love and who loves you about how your feeling. They might laugh but thats because they dont know whats going on with you. I think once ou let them know youre serious they will take you seriously. I dont want to tell you you have this you have that. But I can tell you that I get bad anxiety attacks and feel like your feeling too. Its weird with me it comes out of nowhere then disappears for a while. I was recently told I have OCD which I think means that I obsess over things. For example my children are growin up. They will be 2 in september and recently it just hit me how big they are getting, and for the past month or so I get sad everytime I look at them and realize that they'll never be little babies again. It makes me sick to my stomache really? does your heart race and you feel out of breath when you get sad like this? I want to help you in any way I can you can email me if you'd like you really need to tell your parents how you feel and see a doctor about it. It could be serious. and if you dont talk about it it could get worse. Take it from me! you at least need to talk about it to somebody who will listen. because like you said just writing about it made you feel better! Take care. if I dont hear from you, I hope everything gets better for you!

  2. How old are you? it seems like the death of your pet mouse is causing you alot of heart ache and stress which is in turn affecting your daily life. thats not good. im asking how old u are because if your 18 you should try to talk to a professional councelor, or if ur in school talk to your school councilor. actually, no lol. school councilors are so dumb and only care about paper work now and days, i went to mine for help and she did nothin, and i later tried commiting suicide.

    my suggestion since you have interent access is to look up non profit counciling organizations for the area u live, or post another question askiong about them in a diff category. then go out and buy a pet rat. they are only like 10 bucks from petsmart and omg i love them so much! i truly feel for you  i know how hard it is to lose a loved pet, and especially mice and rats cuz they are adorable.

    i wish you the best of luck let me know how it goes :)

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