
Whenever I run, I get nervous and run out of breath?

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Does this happen to anyone else? Whenever I start to run, I get nervous just randomly and my heart beats faster and I run out of breath. It's really annoying because I know I can run more but because I'm nervous and I think about stuff, I run out of breath. Any way to not get nervous while I run?




  1. its either panic/anxiety, a problem with your heart or a respiratory problem  like asthma.

    obviously they are all serious problems but FIRST you should go to doctor and tell them about this and DEMAND that you either get a stress test done for your heart,. or a thallium test, or a holter monitor test.

    you MUST find out if this is a problem with your heart or not since that is the most important. The stress test would be the best test for you to do.

    Second, if your heart is all fine, go to an allergy doc and get an asthma pump to test out the next time this happens,. when it does, use the pump and see if it works, if it does you know its asthma.

    If neither of those two are the problem, it is very well panic/anxiety that is causing this, which means you need to see a pyschiatrist.

    I am going through the exact same thing you are. I have been through so many tests and we are still trying to find out what my problem is.

    good luck

  2. Are you sure it's nerves?  It sounds kind of like exercise induced asthma to me.  Some people only get asthma when they exercise.  

    If it is asthma, that is very easy to control, you just take your albuterol inhaler 10 minutes before you begin running.

  3. What do you get nervous about?

    And just keep running, because mostly the out of breath part is probably mentally, and you should know when you're physically out of breath.

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