
Whenever I sprint the 200m in track, I feel wicked sick afterwards, anybody know how to stop this?

by  |  earlier

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I am in shape so its not that I just cant run, and I have done track for three years now, but after every 200m I run, I get a headache and cant do anything afterwards due to nausea. Does anybody know how I can prevent this from happening, or is it just how my body is?




  1. be careful what you eat before

    try to cut back/ cut out pop, sweets, and other unhealthy food.  Obviously you wont cut out all sweets so try to cut back and it should help...

    also, its best not to eat much within 4 hours of your run...  If you are gonna eat, it simple carbs like a banana, grapes, or granola bars

    Its not that your not in shape its just the carbs cant digest through your system before you run... so, it tries to come back up..

    hopefully this will help!!!

  2. Yes eat great with no meat the day of. Meat takes to long to digest.

  3. yea that actually happens to me too

    for me it's because I sometimes don't drink enough water

    drink at least a bottle (16 oz I think?) every 2 class or so or about every hour and a half

    and make sure to eat lunch =D

    also if it's really serious, just don't push yourself to that extent

    I've seen guys(and girls) even throwing up after a 400m run before because they just kill themselves trying

  4. this happened to our top sprinter last year.  it may be your diet.  our guy would always eat a lot of food the day of a meet and would throw it back up.  dont get me wrong he was in great shape...even got a full ride for football.  he just didnt take care of his body on meet days.  just eat healthier and lighter the day of and before.

  5. You might not know your doing this, because it can go unnoticed, but your probably holding your breath at some point of your run, and that can cause those symptoms, also i suggest you try some breathing exercises, it will train your lungs, and it will improve how you breath while running, some yoga books have excellent advice on lung and breathing training, check one out.

    Also eat a lot of carbs, as a runner you should at least make your diet 60% carbs, carbs are engery that fuel your body as well as your brain when being an athlete. Its ok to eat protein (fish and meat) just not 4 hours before a run, you need to give your body the time to digest thicker foods, but if you eat a steady 6 small meals a day your food digests pretty fast withing an hour or so, eating larger meals will def take longer hours to digest, so stick to light meals several times a day (every 3 hours eat a small meal of food)

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