
Whenever I supplement with formula for a feeding or two, my b*****s get engorged? Does that mean I have enoug

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milk in my supply?I was so tired her last feeding cause she kept me up all night to be breastfed every hour it seemed so I just poured formula into a bottle and gave that to her instead. now my b*****s are both engorged again and feel like rocks.




  1. When your b*****s are engorged, that means that the milk is backed up. This means for you to start letting it out ASAP. It hurts like h**l, but you need to get it out or they will stay like that for awhile. Just get yourself back on your regular feeding schedule and they should go down.  

  2. Formula feeding isn't the answer. What you need to do is learn to feed lying down. You'll get it with a bit of practise. Let your hubby bring her to you, and put her back when she's finished. If he complains that he has to work all day, remind him that you work all day and all night and if he wants any sleep at all, he'd better do as you ask, or the baby is going to be hungry and scream until he does.

  3. Well, you almost certainly have enough anyway ... but of course you get engorged if you skip a feeding.  Your b*****s are making milk for your baby, and when you don't nurse, you will get engorged, leaky and uncomfortable.

    It is very normal for a young baby to want to nurse frequently.  Offering bottles is not the solution to the problem. (In fact, it can make things worse.)  

    Nurse as baby wants/needs, and your supply will adjust to meet her needs.

  4. yes you have enough and dont listen to the others that are putting you down cuz you gave her formula. its not going to hurt her. i undrestand completely my daughter keeps me up till 3 or 4am wanting to be fed every hour and i get tired so i have my bf give her the bottle of breastmilk i pump cuz the formula gets her all fussy and i dont like that. my daughter has had the bottle since birth and she will still take to the breast. as long as she has a good latch thats all that matters.

    if its ne problem wit a bottle get the nipples that have the slow flow that way Lily has to suck harder like she has to on the breast

  5. If you skip a feeding your b*****s will get engorged but if you continue to skip feedings your body will think your baby doesn't need this milk and will eventually make less milk.  If you need a break pump your breastmilk for someone else to give but make sure you pump as soon as you can so your milk supply stays.

  6. It's obvious.  Your b*****s are engorged and hard because they are full of milk and you cheated them of their release by giving her formula.

    She's going to keep you up because she's hungry.  Feed her!  Let her eat.  Yes, you'll be tired, but giving her formula because of that is selfish.

    And besides, if you give her a bottle too often, she will REFUSE the breast because drinking out of a bottle is much, much easier.  Babies are lazy and will take the easiest route... if she knows you will give it to her.

  7. you have enough milk. if you have to be away from baby, you could excuse yourself for 10 minutes to pump a few ounces.  also you would do yourself a favor by getting into the shower and letting the hot water run on your b*****s and it will be easier to release milk manually in the shower.

  8. You shouldnt be nursing all the time. You need to get your baby on a schedule. Talk with your doctor. If your baby was on the bottle, you'd be feeding her every 3-4 hours with enough onces of milk to keep her satisfied until the next feeding. Maybe you are not letting her get full so she is constantly feeding. Try pumping your milk so that you dont always have to give her the breast. if you pump your milk, someone else can feed her with the bottle and you wont get engorged or sore and your supply will stay up.  

  9. Your body made milk for that last feeding, and then you didn't release it either from nursing on pumping.  If you continue to skip this feeding, your body will stop making milk for it.  Your body is a very smart factory.  It learns when your baby will need milk, and makes it for that feeding.  You will only get that hard feeling when you miss feedings, and if you miss a feeding enough times, it will stop making milk for that feeding.  The good news if you start to nurse during that feeding again, your body will be more then willing to start making milk again!  Some babies do "cluster feed" which means they will want to nurse every hour for a period of time!  Don't feel bad if you need to give the occasional bottle.  I had to with my son.  He would want to nurse for 3 hours straight.  Keep doing what is best for you and your baby!  And your body should make plenty of milk as long as you continue to nurse.  

  10. Your body is designed to allow your b*****s to keep up with her feeding demands.  If she skips a feeding, then yes, your b*****s will likely become engorged.

    I would caution against supplementing with formula so early.  Your baby is something like one month old, right?  Your body is still adjusting and trying to determine the proper milk supply, and if you skip nursing sessions, your milk supply may begin to dwindle.  As her schedule gets more established, you can start pumping milk into bottles to store, so that other people can feed her from a bottle and give you a little break.  I know it's hard sometimes, and it certainly gets exhausting, but that is just part of caring for a newborn--it's a round the clock job for several months, but believe it or not, you WILL be able to sleep again!

  11. yes it means you have enough but the longer you don't use it, the less it will come.  If you're uncomfortable, you could try expressing before bedtime and then mixing the formula mix with some breastmilk so she still gets the benefits?   Obvisouly you'd reduce the amount you express over time to allow your b*****s to not get engorged.

  12. If you continue to do that your milk supply will be affected & your body will stop making as much milk.

    Stop supplementing, MOTHERHOOD is not easy, don't be so lazy

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