
Whenever I try to take pictures of myself(sad i know)i cant get my eyes and expressions to look right/natural?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone have any tips?

please no silly replies...

thank you xxxxx




  1. Sometimes people try too hard to look good, or try to do an expression they think might look good.

    Have you done any practicing in a mirror?  Without the pressure of a camera going off you may look more natural.  Try to avoid big smiles to start - it's very easy for a big smile to add a couple of lines on your face, and cause your eyes to close a little.  Try just looking natural, maybe a little smile (no teeth showing).  When you get those poses down, then try a little more.  Angle your head a little, so you are not square to the camera

  2. dont fake smile

  3. Take a deep breath and then do expressions. It calms you down so you don't get stressed and it shows on camera.

  4. I'm guessing that what's unnatural is that you're shooting at arm's length from your face with a wide angle lens.  That will distort.  Try putting it on a tripod or any sturdy surface and use the self-timer.  Stand farther back and zoom the lens for a more natural perspective.

  5. try focusing on an object or looking in one certain direction. keep all your facial muscles relaxed and just think of something...anything that will take your mind of off being photographed.

    then snap a few pictures while youre still in mid gaze.

  6. Well guess what... those pictures that you take really DO look natural and that's the way you really look, you just can't accept it.  You just don't think you  look that way, but in reality, you do.

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