
Whenever I walk, my left leg does a semi-pirouette every 5 paces. This is awkward, as I fall over!?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I have vertigo, because I am 18 feet, 9 inches tall!!

But this I have got used to - what I can't get used to is my fanatical obsession with l*****g the ground clean wherever I am!!!

Should I leave myself open to ongoing diseases, or accept that I am strange??




  1. You're on the right track, a homefield to speak.

    By tapping into the collective refuse of Yahoo!Answers Cesspool, massive dosages of leech collectors, rat-catchers and gong farmers will immediately be at your beck and call.

    "Vertigoness" (barring the presence of legions) is (or can be) selectively suited to simultaneously leave yourself open to ongoing diseases while accepting that you are strange. *Reduced blood flow to the cranial nerves required.

    ** This is your drainpipe to the Septic Brain....where the well never runs dry and the disposal never clogs.

  2. Strange...???Hmmmmm..perhaps weird?

  3. If you could only find employment with a ballet company that does floors....

  4. Actually, the International Olympics Committee for the Terminally Tall is considering making this a new sport.  Keep training!!!  I think you're a shoo-in for the Gold!!

    In the meantime, gargle with Lavoris as often as possible as part of your training program.  After all, the world does need some cleaning up.  And just don't listen to anyone who says you are strange... what do they know??

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