
Whenever i ask any question that remotly offends someone i get a violation notice?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever i ask any question that remotly offends someone i get a violation notice?




  1. hmm!

  2. Even though there's a lot of inconsistency in the way violations are given, if any of your previous questions were like the one you've currently got showing that asks why a specific person (identified by Yahoo ID) is so g*y -- then your violation notices are pretty understandable and it would be concerning if you hadn't gotten them!

    Why would you want to waste your points asking "questions" that so obviously are attempts to insult others?

    Points aside --- why do you even feel the need to try to insult somebody else?

  3. Don't know.

    It happened to me too.

    I just asked questions about religion and it seems to me that i angered a bunch of  christian zealots....

  4. Boy isn't that the truth.

  5. Sadly, that is the case. I tried to help people this morning and I got cuffed with all kinds of violation notices

  6. I'm going to violate you. Just kidding.  

    I got a violation for something lame. I don't even think the reports are read by a human.

  7. That's a typical day in the neighborhood. Unless your question speaks of illegal acts or is insulting then people should just grow a backbone, grow up and suck it up. Not everyone is going to believe the same things and not everyone is going to agree. Imagine how boring this world would be if we did.

  8. It happens to everyone. Whats your question?

  9. ask it in a polite way than

  10. wellcome to yahoo

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