
Whenever i run in P.E class my back hurts, skuliosis?

by  |  earlier

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OKay, so i just got back in school, from summer, and everytime i run my back hurts, is it my backpack? im 4''8 short lol, and just wondering are these growing pains or do i have skuliosis or am i just not used to running?!




  1. Trying to be clever?  Your avatar pic and the fact that you spell scoliosis as skuliosis seem more than just mere coincidence......or is it just really bad spelling?

  2. Kind of hard to say... If it bothers you then I would make an appointment to see your doctor. Scoliosis is something that is usually discovered during childhood through the teen years. To diagnose it a health care professional will have you take your shirt off so your bare back can be seen, they will then asked you to bend over and attempt to touch your toes. This allows the health care professional to see if your spine is in anyway not straight. It is a fairly easy, noninvasive test.  

  3. scoliosis isn't the only cause. there are so many other reason for back pain.

    Scoliosis is if your back is shaped like an S, and very visible when you bend over.

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