
Whenever i talk to girls i am really mean to them and they never really like me.Help?

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It seems whenever i am talking to girls i am really mean and they never really like me. I try to be nice it just doesn't work. What should i do?




  1. well just try to act uninterested.. trust me girls think thats s**y.. but dont like ignore them.. also just think about what your gonna say before you say it ..teasing girls is ok.. but insulting them isn't(major turnoff) so just work on it, you 'll be ok babe....


    this situation reminds me alot of these two people in my algebra class hehe

  2. ummm youu just have to open up and not be soo harsh, have fun!

    get drunnk::}

  3. i think its your way of flirting, it happens to some people i guess. but before you say anything try and change what your about to say to like a complement. horrible witty marks arent exactly attractrive

  4. COMPLIMENTS!! they work wonders to any girl

  5. well if you like them tell them they look nice..? i would fall for it haha just avoid the words you call mean haha


  6. Well why are you mean?  Is there some insecurity involved?  And who wants someone that's mean to them.  If you act mean often and then try to be nice, of course the women will be suspicious.  You have to always be nice.  By going back to being mean, they think that your niceness is a facade

  7. Try to figure out why it is that makes you talk mean to girls.  Really think about it & get to the root of the problem.  There has to be some reason why you're doing this.  If you want them to like you, you know you're going to have to change whatever makes you do what you're doing.  Once you get to the root of the problem & change it, there should be no reason why you can't do a complete turn around.  Just change your attitude & that should take care of your problem.  You CAN do it if you really want to.  Good luck to you...:)

  8. stop being mean

  9. Maybe you're mean because you're nervous. I do that too sometimes. Just breathe deep and try to relax and not worry too much.

  10. wat kinda stuff do u do to be mean

  11. why are you mean to them??? of course no girl in her right mind is going to like you if you treat her badly.. she doesn't see a future there.

    try being a lot nicer to women.. trust me it works.

  12. is it like a funny mean? like sarcasm or are you just offensive and rude?

    because if it's just plain rude that may be the problem.  

    if it's sarcasm you just need to find a girl that can keep up, and challenge you back!

  13. well since they know u as being mean, they really wont take u seriously if u act nice to them.

  14. if u tell a girl they look pretty then walk away, shell instantly love you

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