
Whenever there is a natural disaster somewhere in the world, as is now the case in Myanmar...?

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able countries offer aid in the form of reconstruction assistance, food, water, and medicine. People often want to help others and that is a good thing, of course. But when it comes to giving money to a government of the country seriously affected by a disaster, especially a third world dictatorship, to be used to rebuild, do you believe that the money that is given to help those people that are seriously traumatized should be accounted for somehow in terms of where the money goes and how it is spent? What about a "transparent" escrow account that could be viewed online by the public (or charitable organizations) in order to keep 'them' honest, as it were?




  1. What i have read is we are giving £5m to aid//why is it us that always give that kind of money when the old folk and hospitals need it here in the UK// WHY do we always have to be first ones in//and who makes the decision for this money to be given to people we have nothing to do with trade or otherwise

  2. Do I believe the money will go to those who most need it? No, it's a very poor country and those chosen few in control will be plumping up their own purses. I don't think money should be sent at all, just aid in the form of clothing, water and food, which is badly needed.

    I do believe that we, as modern, civilized and moral countries are obligated to help other humans in dire need. We do know that without the fresh water and food, many more will die, and to sit back and just let that happen would be totally wrong.

    So if money is the only way a country can help, then they must give it, even if there is a chance that it won't go to the ones who need it most.

  3. The Burmese Junta want the money, but will not allow foriegn aid workers into the country and would certainly try to block any kind of 'transparency' about where the aid money went.

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