
Whenever you go to a fancy restaurant, how can you know which fork or spoon to use when they put too many..?

by  |  earlier

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at your table?




  1. I've heard you start from the outside (furthest one away from plate) and work your way in.

  2. use your hands - there is no worry of picking the wrong one ;)

  3. Same as everyone else - usually start on the outside and work your way in. However, almost every "fancy" or high-end restaurant I've been to usually put out new silverware for each course specific to that course. It's great because you really have no choice in deciding which utensil to use - they do the thinking for you (you're there for the food anyway and not to be stressed about using the wrong utensil).

  4. The general rule is that you work your way in towards your plate, starting with the utensil that is the furthest from your plate for the first course.

  5. Always work from the outside in.  The smaller fork is for salad, the large fork is for your meal.  I'm sure you know what soup spoon looks like - it's the one probably beside the fork on the left or at the top of the plate or soup bowl.  Just watch those around you.  I'd also recommend you "google search" table manners; there are lots of sites to help you.  Try the one below and relax!

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