
Whenevr i drink tapwater i feel sick??

by  |  earlier

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whenevr i drink tap water i feel sick. y could this be? i have braces so i have to brush with flouride every night, and my mo says that since the city puts foulride in the water i could be getting an overdose of flourside, none of my my friends with braces have this prob tho. none of my family does either, so its not anything in the water. anyone else have this prob? y could this be happening?




  1. tap water isn't as good for u as pure water like aquafina. some ppl get sick when they drink carbonated drinks. i get sick when i eat to much sugary foods, like cookies and ice cream. it is just what ur body is used to. if u drank more tap water u might not get sick when u drink it , ur body will be used to it. if u digest something that u don't eat or drink very often, it could cause illness, or nausia. thats normal, u don't have any dieseases or anything, there is nothing to fret over.


  2. Well you might be drinking to much there are other reasons but, they are not that seris though I would find out.

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