
Whens the best time for my girl to get pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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and what could i do to help myself out?




  1. Only after you are married

  2. Do you mean the time of the month...if so then it would be 14 days from the day her menstruation started each month. (that is when she is ovulating)

    If her period started on the first then the 14th would be the day most likely to conceive. To be more sure it would be best to have activity on that day and two days before and two days other words from the 12th to the 14th..every one of those days!!

    If you mean at what period of life...I think it would be when you are both physically, financially, and mentally prepared for a child and totally committed to each other and the children.

  3. After you are married and responsible for all the two of you do!  You don't even call her your "love". Do you love her at all? Or just want to get her pregnant?  Then you can't just "love" the one you think you want to marry; but BE IN LOVE with her!

  4. To all of you people who snapped off an answer about marriage or welfare, I have seen his other questions. They are 20 and 21 and MARRIED. Get a grip and sweep your own doorstep!

    As for your question, everyone is different. Do not buy in to the 14 day myth. A normal luteal phase is 10-16 days, so she *should* ovulate 10-16 days before her next period is due....BUT - many things can affect ovulation.

    The only way to pinpoint ovulation, and her most fertile time of the month, is to start charting and watching her fertility signs. Buy a basal thermometer and have her take her temp first thing every morning - at the same time every day - before she even gets out of bed. Before she does anything at all. Note the temp. When she ovulates, her temp will rise and stay elevated above the pattern you'll see for pre-ovulation temps.

    Her cervical mucus (discharge) will typically tell her when ovulation is coming. It will be watery, or like egg whites. That's the fertile stuff that keeps sperm alive while she's waiting to ovulate. This is also why she's fertile for a few days 'before' ovulation. The sperm can live for 3-5 days and lie in wait for the egg. Her egg will live for 12-24 hours after ovulation. And you can tell the difference between Egg White CM and leftover sperm if you had s*x the night before. In a situation like that you want to do the water test. EWCM will sort of ball up and sink to the bottom and s***n will float (with possibly some of it hanging down into the water). Also you can take true EWCM out of the water and still be able to stretch it.

    You can also buy the ovulation strips to test for lueteinizing hormone (she''ll have a surge of it 12-36 hours before ovulation), but keep in mind that when you test for ovulation the test line must be *as dark or darker than the control line. * Two lines do not equal a positive on the ovulation tests.

    Check out this site:

    There is a charting course there that she can take for free, and free software to chart her temps. The first day of her period is 'cycle day 1.' I typically ovulate on cycle day 12, but have actually ovulated on cycle day 10 before and as late as cycle day 15. This variation in ovulation days is why some women's cycle lengths vary. Once again, the time between ovulation and her period (the 'luteal' phase) will not vary more than a day, maybe two. But the time between her period and ovulation can vary more than that. Have her chart a few cycles and she'll see her own fertility pattern.

    Best of luck to you both!

  5. You need to look up cycle's online... She can figure out how long her period is and when she ovulates. This is when her body will be releasing eggs that can be fertilized. When you figure out when she is ovulating.. you guys should be having s*x a day before she starts and anywhere inbetween that and a day after. This will give your sperm plenty of chances to impregnate her eggs. I BELIEVE(I'm no expert) but I believe that the week before her period is the best time for her to be ovulating... then usually if she is not pregnant she will get her period.The only thing I can suggest that you guys do to help... (besides have s*x) is get a decent amount of sleep, drink plenty of water and exercise a bit (mild walks together and activities of the same extreme)

    When you're bodies feel well and you are adequately rested and hydrated it can only help anything you are trying to do. Good luck on starting your family :)

  6. When she is ovulating. You can get an ovulation kit at the store that will tell you exactly when she is ovulating.

  7. Like the first lady said, when she is ovulating.

    What gives you people any right to judge him or his girlfriend. You know nothing about them. So they are not married, some people have been together for 10/20 years and not married. Getting married is just a piece of paper.

    I wish you all the best :) x*x

  8. When she is capable of carrying the burden of the child and is in good health

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