
Whens the best time to tell my parents Im a pregnant teen??

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Im 15 and pregnant with an 18 year old's baby. How can I tell my parents that Im having his baby? They told me to stay away from him bc I would get pregnant and I didnt believe them. Ive been with him 5 months and they have no clue!




  1. you need to tell your parents! and confess that they were right but you need to go to the doctor you want this baby to be healthy! don't you? I know how you feel i got pregnant at 13 and her father had already gotten 3 girls pregnant my parents told me to stay away but at a party i got pregnant he was 15 and I was 13 i love my daughter megan but i told my parents and they helped me i now live in my own apartment with my daughter and he helps us out a lot so talk to your parents as soon as you can!

  2. There is no way around it, you just have to say it. Be like "Mom and Dad, I'm scared and I'm so sorry" and they will say "What? What are you talking about?" then you say "You know how you told me to stay away from _____, well I have been seeing him behind your back. And you were right, I would get pregnant. I'm actually ____ weeks pregnant."

  3. go to them and tell them as soon as possible! go to the docter! tell them they were right and your sorry but right now you need the more than anything! they love u and will help you threw this!! good luck, hope u and the baby are healthy

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