
Whens the media report that Palin uses of racial slurs against employees in her office will it hurt McCain?

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Whens the media report that Palin uses of racial slurs against employees in her office will it hurt McCain?




  1. The Democrats must recognize Sarah Palin as a true threat to their little world. Why else would they spend so much time trying to incite hatred towards her. They are running scared and throwing insults back over their shoulders. This will only cause them to fall and lose.

    Throwing dirt and innuendo at the opposing candidate does nothing to make your candidate look better. If anything it diminishes your candidate. This WILL come back and bite you in the butt. If you thought your candidate had a good chance of winning you would not have to resort to attacks like this,  These attacks are a sign of desperation.

  2. It may hurt McCain more than it helps, but I doubt he really wants to win. This was a hurry up choice, probably because the other choices refused the nomination. McCain's loss is a foregone conclusion, not by Democrats but instead by the Republican forecasters.

    I don't see her as a threat of any kind. This is not desparation of Democratic

    making. Palin is a Republican scapegoat. Someone to blame the loss on. So they don't have to take the blame upon themselves. The Republican politicians have long needed and always rely on an outsider to blame their failures on. SHE IS IT!

    It is Bush, and Company, and Bush politics that have stirred so many to respond in this campaign. It is the complacancy, ignorance, and above-the-law ideologies of the Bush regime, that has driven most of us to action. Nothing and nobody can change the tides. The tide has CHANGED.

    You can stand in the way and be washed away, or you can step aside and allow what must be done, to be done. The choice is yours.

    Who's whining now?

  3. No because the alternative is Obama

  4. if it is true, then yea

    i hope it is true, it'll make this "race" much shorter. the last thing i need is something like another clinton obama race

  5. Sorry, it never happened...

    Check the entire 'net, you won't find anything like that

    Biden's racial slur came up tho:

    This one includes Hillary's and Kerry's racist comments, but still no Palin:

  6. Ahhh the smell of Obama desperation... I love it. Got a source for that?

  7. And your source?

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