
Whens the time to buy a really good pair of figure skates?

by Guest66612  |  earlier

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i have been skating for almost a month and a half now. i go to a group lesson once a week, and i practice one to two times a week. i have lessons for half an hour, and then practices generally last an hour.

so far i can,

- tstop! WOOHOO =]

- forward crossover =]

- balloons and swizzles

my coach says the group im in isnt challenging enough, so im getting to move in with these kids who are really good. they are learning spirals and everything. [omg, ive got jitters! IM SO EXCITED. i watch them skate before i have my lessons]

lols, i know professional skating athletes pay thousands of dollars towards their lessons, but i know im spending alot of money towards my skating right now. im paying almost two dollars per rental per session. [ok...... when i typed this out, i was like... WOOAAAH. that sounds really cheap] but after tons of sessions, i think i could save alot of money by buying skates.

do you think its a good time to buy, or should i still use rentals during my lessons.?





  1. I think it's a perfect time to buy. I can't imagine a spiral in rental skates.  

    The big thing really isn't the cost analysis of rentals versus your own - it's having your own skates that your feet can get used to and adapt to that will make a big difference in your skating.  When you use rentals it's like you have to reinvent the wheel when you get on the ice every time because the skates aren't the same.

    Also, the difference between a rental blade and a real blade with sharpened edges will be amazing to you if you've been in rentals.  

    I highly recommend getting fitted for skates.  You may have to buy new ones in a year, but it's worth putting a few bucks in your piggy bank every week knowing that you'll be upgrading.  Go for it!

  2. well first you have 2 figure out if this is something u really want to do, if it is then i would invest in a okay pair of skates (ridells or graphs) until you are doing jumps and its getting harder or you are competing, then u wanna get harlicks or espteris, RENTAL SKATES SUX

  3. im not really sure... ive never in my life skated with rentals, except for this one time, where i was at a friend's birthday party and we couldnt find my boots.... u should get used to normal boots soon, though, since i know for a fact, that rentals have almost NO toepick at all, and are SUPER dull... also, ive had a friend who used to skate only in rentals, and the transition to normal boots was pretty hard for her...

  4. We founded in order to connect skating students to coaches across the United States.  As well as offering a networking service for all of our members, we also provide opportunities to dive into the world of figure skating in many different ways, whether you enjoy conversing in one of our skating forums, reading up on the most recent skating news, locating a new club or rink, or taking some of our member-inspired polls.  As we grow, we promise to find every way possible to get you into the world of figure skating, which has the sixth-largest fan base than any other sport in America.

  5. If the rentals have good ankle support and are sharp, save a few bucks and use rentals for a while, good skates cost  money. It sounds like you are advancing quickly and you want to be sure you get ones that are right for the level you are in. Who knows two months from now you could be 3 levels higher. I didn't have much money when I took lessons. You can learn without spending a fortune. I coached with a lady who would say skating is for people with money, if you don't have it find another sport. Well that is just bologna. If you love it do it.

  6. I've been skating for 3 years so I know what it's like to use rentals. I used to use hockey skates because the figure skates that were available didnt fit me. This affected my skating a lot. I got skates about a couple months after I started skating. I suggest getting skates as soon as you can. But take this advise. NEVER get skates from regular stores because they usually have no support at the ancle and they are not leather. When you are in a level like the one you are in you should start out with skates that have the boot and blade together because it is incredably expensive to get them seperate expecially if your not gonna need it for another couple of years. You should get your skates at your local pro shop which is usually located inside the building where you skate. Make sure you try on the skate before you buy it and make sure its the one for you because if its to big or small you can not return them after you get the blades sharpened. Good Luck!

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