
Whens your next huntin trip?

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Whens your next huntin trip?




  1. Unfortunately, not until youth season starts for ducks in November. I like going in winter, but I like to take advantage of being classified as youth and getting to hunt in the very beginning of the season. They used to have youth season at the tail end of the regular season, which was stupid as h**l and really sucked.

  2. September 1st That is when bow season and dove season open here If I have to work that day I will go dove hunting and if not I will be out deer hunting.

  3. Calling Coyotes late next week.

    The 243's are loaded with 58 grain VMax ready to go.

  4. Honestly I don't know. Sometime near the end of August beginning of September window but we haven't settled on a date. One of my buddies I go with usually is out of state and out of contact, another has "issues" he has to deal with and that's a little more important. But we won't go unless everyones coming. Kinda like a camaraderie thing. That and the guy out of state has the only pickup truck...

  5. As soon as deer season opens. Our company has a ranch in South Texas that we take customers to, and I've been told there are some really big deer there.

    ps: I like your new picture

  6. when ever my dad can get a day off work to take me, lol.

    but bow season has to open first. theres nothing in season right now, and its way to hot to be in the woods.

    but im counting down the days!

    c'mon deer season!!

  7. Hi Peach pie! Man, I love that name! It's going to be on Sep. 20th- that is when our bow season opens up here in area 3 in Louisiana- gonna be real hot- more then likely 95-98 degrees like it was year before last here. Don't have a choice - have to go! The deer movement was about 15 minutes before dark that year, with a little movement early in the morning, but at deer camp, 3 out of 4 hunters killed a deer opening weekend and the one that didn't make a kill missed his opportunity to do so- this is good odds for bow hunting anywhere in the states , in any kind of weather. Good luck on your hunting this year!

  8. Bow hunting on September the 20.-can't wait-might not!

  9. Last week of September, general elk season 3 point or better.

    Good Hunting...

  10. This coming Monday! I only hunt with a camera so I am not at all restricted by seasons! Just love being able to "bag" anything at any time.

  11. Next Saturday August 2nd going get me some pork chops!

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