
Wher can I find free information pertaining to Slave Master Jacob W. Guerard of the 1800s in South Carolina?

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Wher can I find free information pertaining to Slave Master Jacob W. Guerard of the 1800s in South Carolina?




  1. Try, look him up in the Census and in his city & county & state books. would also have info

  2. His father Jacob Guerard shows in the 1790 federal census of the Beaufort district of South Carolina with 1 white male adult, 2 white male children under 16 yrs. of age and 3 females and 121 slaves in the household.

    I would look for him in the Beaufort district, SC at the special collections section of a library or a Mormon family history center. If you can find him in the 1850, and later, census' there will be lots more than just numbers information.

    If you enter "Jacob W. Guerard" into Google you get a few hits if you take out the w then 500 hits.

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