
Where's Caylee Anthony???

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Thoughts on Casey Anthony has she murdered her 2 year old daughter or did she simply let someone take her???




  1. The whole thing seems odd to me. Why didn't the mother report the daughter missing and why did she lie about taking her to a baby sitter and about where she worked? It's not exactly what a caring mother would do. If I somehow "lost" a 2 year old I'd be in full panic within 30 min of not finding her and I would have contacted all people I know and the police shortly after. I would not have gone on with my day as usual and then lie then people ask me where the 2 year old is and has been.

    Nothing that I've read tells if the mother is mentally ill or addicted to drugs, but it sure sounds like either one or both. It's not the actions of a person with her head screwed on the right way.

    Did she kill her daughter? Possibly, but it could also have been unintentionally done through neglect. The trunk of the car is mentioned and it's easy to think that the child was put there as some sort of punishment and died. She was not intended to die. Then the mother tries to cover it up since she doesn't want people to see her as a bad mother. Once she started to lie she just couldn't stop.

    Did she let someone kidnap her daughter without doing anything about it? I doubt it. People want things to work according to plan and a kidnap isn't planned. No matter how little they care about the child they do care about being wronged when someone takes something that are theirs. If she planned it and gave her daughter away then it would be easy enough to say so and get out of jail, but she hasn't.

    I think she knows that her daughter is dead and how it happened.  

  2. I am not sure what happened to Caylee.  What i do kow is that whatever has happened her mother had a direct hand in it.  This mother has not told the truth once.  It is very easy to build a mental illness  defense at this point though I think that the lying wasto begin the defense unfortunately, even mental illness does not protect you from prosecution what would have to be proven is that the child "died" becasue her mother did not know the difference betwen right and wrong.  Being a liar and being criminally insane are not the same thing. Once could actually make the argument that becasue she told the lies in order not to get into anymore trouble or incriminate herself that can actually prove that she DID know the difference.  Poor little girl.  What a sorry excuse for a parent this baby had.

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