
Where's a good place to buy a guitar cheap?

by  |  earlier

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I want to buy a guitar but i dont have a lot of money to spend on one,any suggestions? oh,and it has to b in florida.




  1. Check your local pawn shops.  They have excellent deals.  Shop in a music store first, then take the info you gain from your shopping and use it at a pawn shop.  

    Now I'm not saying tie up the local music store salespeople and then not give them a sale, but you can ask questions, then use your info to get a good deal.

    Good luck.  

  2. How about a pawn shop or 2nd hand store?

  3. Chines Guitars are the cheapest in market,

  4. Find a rock star who lost his arms in a motorcycle accident, and who found religion during his rehabilitation.

    If no accidents occur, try finding a Chines guitar.


  5. ebay

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