
Where's a good place to spend New Years?? Want to book a surprise holiday 4 my boyfriend?

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Where's a good place to spend New Years?? Want to book a surprise holiday 4 my boyfriend?




  1. On the East coast of New Zealand they are the first to welcome the New Year.

  2. Oooh, I agree with the first answer, although I have never been to Scotland in my life, I have heard the way they do "Hogmonay" is pretty festive.

    I'd say Paris, though. Between Christmas and New Years.

    The Eiffel Tower will have it's lights shining and you'll be able to the the city from the top.

    So romantic.

    I think my boyfriend and I are going there just before Christmas.

  3. St. Thomas (U.S.V.I.)

  4. Marrakesh in Morocco. The weather's really nice, it sophisticated, cheap and very exotic. There are palaces, bazaars, good restaurants of all kinds, live music and it's only 3 hours flight.

    New Year in Scotland will put anyone at risk with an English accent in Scotland. Yes violent crime in such a tiny place is nearly four times that in the whole of England and Wales (which goes completely unreported.)

  5. so many choices! Try visiting socialtravellersite (dot com) There are great pictures there that might help you with your decisions. There are also links on how to get cheap travel deals.

  6. New York's fantastic on new years eve.

  7. Edinburgh, the scots do new years right. I've never had a bad experience there, the place just goes crazy.

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