
Where's a good source of a basic intro to feng shui with simple tips I could teach a class of K-6th graders?

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I'm a parent volunteer at my child's school and am going to be a guest teacher in a cultural arts class. And even though I don't know a lot about feng shui I think learning about it would be beneficial to the students and their families. I would probably send home some basic feng shui tips to parents. Any suggestions?




  1. I saw a book in a book store and it was called something like feng shui for the classroom. You should look it up! It was pretty cool, even going to the extent of what type of classroom pets you should have and why! :)

  2. books by lillian too, eva wong, peter leung and joey yap are good sources, and they are a good start in learning fengshui techniques.

    ms. lillian too made the 8 mansions or ba zhai method popular or what she called the east west method - based on your birthdate.

    ms. eva wong wrote a book about flying stars.

    peter leung also wrote many books regarding fengshui. though i prefer his seminars, because they are not that expensive compared with other fenghsui masters.

    i should say i am biased. but i kinda had a bad experience attending joey yap's seminars. i asked a question regarding how to deal with a 5 in the middle of the house (flying stars technique), and he replied that i should take his next course. my classmates and i thought that was cheeky of him to refuse to answer. and mind you, his courses are not cheap! so i think i prefer master leung, bec master leung answer all questions. but just to be fair, joey yap is a great teacher, but i he is no fengshui master.

    i think they are all available at

  3. You can find all necessary theory as the basics, glossary, calculators.

    As from September, they will offer free Feng Shui courses which could be interesting for you.

  4. I have coached several teachers on incorporating basic feng shui in the classroom.  The kids loved it!  There is so much, but I'll give a few examples...  You can use color (some areas w/ colors that are soothing, while others are stimulating).  You can use sound and music (soothing, movement, uplifting) depending on your activity. One teacher used bells and chimes.  Good lighting is important, especially natural light.    Another teacher enjoyed making essential oil sprays for example one had lavender in it and the kids liked to call it "The Calming Spray".  Of course, a whole book could be written on how to postition the desks and chairs!  Another thing to do is reduce exposure to toxins and chemicals - these can make kids have temper tantrums, hard to focus, cause headaches, etc.  

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