
Where's all the bashing of the Rangers here??

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Since apparently EVERYONE loves to hate them. =D

So lets one bashes Chicago for there 4.2M offer to Huet if i'm correct and 7M to Campbell but when the Rangers sign Redden for 6.5M everyone goes nuts and bashes them.Now my question YOU hate the Rangers?Be honest people,since I didn't think it was that horrible like how people are saying it is.Is it just because everyone is so butthurt that there team isn't going out and risking there money *cough* Atlanta *cough* so there just taking there anger out on other teams signings?Also,how do you like what your team signed?




  1. I don't hate the Rangers but giving Michal Rozsival that much money for an extension is absurd!

  2. I don't HATE them but i dislike any other team other than the Pens. For the sole reason they aren't the Pens. If a player is traded to another team I dislike them just for being traded.

  3. As an Islanders fan, I am allowed to bash the Rangers for any reason!  :D

    I have no problem with Redden getting that much. Think they overpaid a bit, but he will help their younger D-men. I thought he would go to Chicago, but after Campbell got that FAT contract, Rangers were a logical choice for him.  I do have a problem with Huet now earning more than Broduer and Finger's deal. Some got the finger on that one

    I am in ****TOTAL SHOCK**** that the Islanders got Streit on the first day of FA. He would have led the team in scoring last season. It's the puck moving D they needed who won't totally kill you in the defensive zone.

  4. People bash the Rangers because every year they spend outrageous amounts of money expecting to buy the Cup and it's rather funny when they crash and burn.  Every year they are near the top in salary but have won the Cup once in my lifetime.  They're like the Yankees, only not nearly as successful.

    To answer the question, I'm a Pens fan so yes, I hate the Rangers (though I LOVE Marty Straka).  The money being thrown around by everyone so far has been insane, and there's still a few big names yet to sign.  Mats Sundin has been offered 20 million for 2 years, now that's nuts!  I hate losing Ryan Malone and Gary Roberts and probably Hossa, but I'm willing to wait a couple days before I pass judgement on our free agent signings and loses.

  5. Yea im a devils fan so that pretty much means i despise the rangers and im very pleased with our picks

  6. As a devils fan i despise the Rangers....there's always a chance for redemption for those that go to the dark side though...(see Holik and hopefully Shanny....come back GOMER!)

    I am probably biased but I do not like how the Rangers do their buisness...signing huge names to win cups (see last year).  I like the teams that build through free agency and develop young players like Pittsburgh.....

    it is worth noting that the Rangers do seem to be shifting slightly by developing young players like Dawes and Dubinsky but then they get thrown into Sundin rumors and it reminds me of the Bure, Gretzky days.....

    Even if they do shift to the right way of doing it I will still hate them :) but not for that reason anyway.....

  7. I hate the Rangers, but I'm not bashing them.  They made a good decision to pick up Redden.  I think it was smart for the Devils to get Holik and Rolston back; two ex-Devils who already know the system, have had experience on other teams, and will be playing with many of the same teammates they played with back when they on the Devils.  They're good veteran players to build a strong foundation for the Devils.  Not to mention we swiped two other teams' captains!

  8. I like what DET did, they just re-signed LILS, Stuart and picked up Conklin... and they are basically done! They will have Cheli and MAC back as well. They have to resign 3 RFAs... which will get done Filpulla, Ericsson and Howard..... and they have one too many Defensemen.... so it looks like Quincey could be traded... never know! When all said and done.... The Wings will have lost Drake and Hasek and possibly Downey if he doesnt take a 2way deal...

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