
Where's all the booty gone?

by  |  earlier

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A pirate has to search far & wide to find nary a doubloon these days.

Arrr, but I've found me a more tantalizing booty. Some lasses be droppin' it like it's hot. And this J-Lo has a lot of it in her trunk.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

This pirate always did prefer this booty over the other kind, anyway.




  1. Its on my back :P

  2. did you check with Captain Jack...

  3. I am sitting on it!

  4. I believe the booty is stored in my rear end....=(

  5. I got enough booty and boobies to keep the masses satisfied, as an added bonus I have fresh bottle of rum.

  6. nothing like a couple of big booby's...oh said booty..never mind

  7. It looks like all the booty left the P&S category and came here!!

  8. wow,thanks for the poem =)

    an try to e-mail this to all trolls

  9. lolz dats funny

  10. What you doing in Hawker Centres......x

    You tryin to avoid me or Wat.....x

  11. If ya appen to be sailin past,  dont miss this booty....or ye'll ner sail agen.....x

  12. ummm up your butt?

  13. Love always wins over money!

  14. LOLSZ

    Funniest question I've seen all day =)


  15. It's in my backyard.....

  16. I just happen to have some of that booty you're talkin about on me.....ya wanna see?

  17. I have all the booty arrrrrg dude

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