
Where's do I add fluid for the trim mercruiser 5.7?????

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I took the boat out yesterday and noticed my trim was moving slow.. It just probably just need fluid right? Well where do I add the fluid and what should I use?




  1. What fluid to fill the trimpump can depend on the year your boat/ engine combo is and what kinda fluid is in there now.

    When located take a sample of the oil, thin- red or clear is atf or steering fluid anny other would be engine oil.  

    5w30(40) motor oil is common used, they dont mix !

    Did it move faster before or do you think it moves slow?


  2. Mercurys' pwr trim unit is mounted seperately from the motor, somewhere in the stern. it has a built in resevoir, on which the level is marked.  Slow moving trim usually indicates something other than a fluid level problem.  This could be a soon-to-fail pump unit, the wrong type of fluid, low voltage to the pump, and so on. There is  some variance in the type of fluid used in different years.  Fluid type should be marked on the pump resevoir, if not, take the engine serial# to a Merc dealer.

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