
Where's the balance,Save the wildlife, or save the people?

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Do humans go a bit overboard with animal courses, rather than saving the starving human race ?




  1. Obviously we need to think about all life on this planet.  But I'd hardly say that people pay more attention to animals than people.

  2. lets try some darwinism i think, stop passing laws to keep idiot alive like seatbelts for example and, then less people means more food for the ones there are left plus more room for the furry creatures,

  3. Don't be such an egoist.


  4. I wish you would elaborate and explain yourself a bit more. What are you talking about? Give me an example where we saved a specific animal, rather than give it to a starving person. I know there is ppl starving around the world, but its not because we saved an animal, its just the matter of getting food to them. Look at America, we have so much food and so many overweight ppl. Im all for saving lives and would love for us to send food. But I dont know of any circumstances where it was for animal rights.

  5. If we stopped trying to 'save' everybody ;  drugs, medicine, pesticides, plant over all the forests - fish the seas to extinction, burn all the non-replenish-able fuel in the process and grow a population to unsustainable levels then maybe we'd still have living space, a rich diverse unpolluted world and yes sickness, death and hungry people.

    Instead we have pursued (and structure our economies to perpetuate) a false obsession with preventing misery and extending life. All of which has lead to a polluted, overpopulated and dying world with oh yes even more sick hungry and dying people. So the scientists and agro-chemical companies can sell yet more product.


    So "Save the people?" - well look where that has got us

    Or "Save the animals?" - that would be a change.

    And as for overboard - do you not think the cult of man has already had one to many millennia of active pursuit.

  6. if you save the humanity then you'll have to do some thing like a big jerk to tell them to stop destroying wildlife

  7. Perhaps humans are starving because we are eating all the other animals. The ultimate solution is one that most will not embrace: human population control. Unless/until humans learn to control their reproductive output, we will overpopulate and destroy much that is good on the earth. We will do this until nature stops us by running out of clean water, clean air, and food. Once humans are again down to manageable numbers, nature will continue the grand experiment and life will go on. With finite resources available on the planet, there is only so far we can go before we put ourselves on the 'endangered species' list.

  8. ultimately you ahve to save the animals-everyone agrees they were here before us and what you do to the least of us always impacts the most of us. they can not talk for themselves so they are dependent upon the human animal to preserve their environments-maybe we can be better to them than we have been to ourselves-think slavery and stripping of land from ethnicities (Indians, Mexicans, Jews etc.) through various slaughters in the name of purity or religious beliefs.

    ultimately saving the animals will preserve the earth and natural habitat which will benefit humans.

    i hope this gives you some perspective

  9. The human race brings starvation upon itself with over population.  There is no shortage of human beings on this earth.  Animals cannot control their environments.  They are dependent on us to maintain appropriate environments for their continued existence.  If we destroy enough links in the chain of life we will destroy the human race as well.

  10. yupp!

  11. These are not mutually exclusive.  Saving the wildlife can HELP save the people.  For example, the grain used to raise cattle, could feed 10 times as many people as the cattle would eventually feed, that would help your starving humans if we weren't rising beef.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not a paint tossing, PETA spouting vegetarian.  Most people who are into wildlife preservation are against, elephant poachers who just steal their tusks for the ivory, people who kill baby seals for their skins, or companies who use animals for testing cosmetics, or inhumane traps and snares like the steel-jaw trap that not only turture animals (they chew their own foot off escape) but they also are responsible for injuring humans and pets.

  12. What will we feed the hungry when the animals have all died out?


  13. i think 6 billion people and rising is enough to put us out of danger.

    when humans get down to about 1000, maybe then your question will have relevance.

    There's 2 reasons why people starve, capitalism making food waste rather than giving it to starving people -all to protect profits; and the fact there are already too many people.

  14. The earth is overcrowded, people live longer, the enivornment can't suppport our ever increasing population.

  15. History has had many course's of very rich people doing nothing but eat course's.  We are in this rich and excessive time right now, which mean's the rich are actually thru corruption takeing course's from the mouth's of poor.  Howev er revolution cometh to moderate both extreme's of poverty and wealth, and that is comeing very fast, poor people in the world who get one meal a day are actually rich, so the poverty level b.s. don't apply to people who are not overeater's, (such as I was a whale eater) and couldn't eat dead pig's of other land animal's, each  beautiful creature has it's own.

  16. Yes and its sad. Ironicly, by simply managing wild life refuges better, not wasting the surplus food grown by farmers and truly caring about and for mother earth and its inhabitants on both a local and a global scale, we can illiminate most of the enviromental problems including starvation.

  17. r u heartless... animals also hav a soul.. they also hav da right 2 live n u cant take it away... v hav indulged n their environment.... v hav derived their resources... n use it fer r own own needs.... animals hav da same right...

  18. save wildlife as there is too much of population and even save forest also

  19. There are too many people on earth now. Let some of them die off and leave room for some animals.

  20. The trick is you have to do the one to do the other. If nature's services are understood and respected we ourselves will not starve, we will prosper.

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