
Where's the best place for a freshly graduated nurse to immigrate to?

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Someone with a nursing degree holds a pretty strong chance of getting a job in most countries. I'm from the UK and getting pretty sick of the way things are here, it's going down hill fast, and the rediculous costs in this country, we pay about $10-11 US Dollars for a gallon of fuel. Where do you think is the best place to move to for a male, graduate nurse?

A few years ago, I'd have seriously considered the US, but I'm not so sure now. The US is going downhill pretty fast too, and their just on the verge of a serious economic crisis, I'm not really sure if this is the best time to go to the US. They're experiencing problems that pretty much mirror that of the UK, going to the US would kinda be like running back into the problems I'm trying to escape from.

I've seriously considered New Zealand, as the country is roughly the same size as the UK, yet with a much lower population, it's mind-bogling how the UK has 60 million people packed into it, and NZ has 4 million to a land-mass the size of the UK. The available space and feeling of freedom must be incredible. NZ also seems like less of a big jump in culture from the UK. The scenary is very similar to the UK, just a lot more of it, and culturally, they're closer to Britian than America or Australia is. However, the thing which worries me largely is the fairly low wages, and comparitively high living costs in New Zealand, it worry I might find it hard to make ends meet in New Zealand.

I've also considered Canada, as it basically seems like a better run version of America (no offence to the American people indented), I visited in the summer, and although the weather seemed pleasent then, the harsh winters really put me off.

Also, I've considered somewhere closer to home, like another European country, but the problem is, the language barrier. Would I get a job in a European hospital without speaking the language, obviously, I would make a big effort to learn the language, but do you think they'd offer me a job while I was learning the language?

Oh, decisions, decisions, there are so many great places which offer opportunities, but moving anywhere is such a big commitment, but the UK really is going downhill. The NHS is in a mess, immigration and violence caused by unskilled immigrants is out of control, and no, I'm not a racist (as many British people accuse you of being), but just sick of seeing all the jobs in this country go to unskilled immigrants when we have our own youth to be engaging and employing. If this country cared about it's own youth a bit more instead of costantly employing foreigners to do meanial work then maybe the crime rate would drop, and the UK would become a better place to live.




  1. I'm glad you asked this question because I'm looking for the same answer! I feel exactly the same and will be having a nosey at the responses your question gets... :)

  2. Certain areas of the US are still nice - avoid the major cities. Or, you could stay where you are and get more experience while you research countries to move to.

    We need to re-claim our countries from the third world invaders!

  3. Last reports I read stated that the US will need 50,000 new nurses in the next 10 years and the salaries are going up for these hard working professionals

  4. Canada is hurting for medical staff, cause the US pays somewhat better so our new grads tend to go there. Plus the boomer retirement surge, of course. As a result some communities are beginning to run short of doctors and nurses, so there are now incentive programs for training and sticking around. Try BC for decent (by English standards) weather - more rain than snow!

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