
Where And What Would Be Good For A Fund Raising Event?

by  |  earlier

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I asked my local pub if i could fundraise in their pub i wanted to get a load of us to get dressed up, my theme would be anything african weather it be peson, animal just anything african as the money will go towards a gap year in africa!

This i wanted to happen on what i would think the bussiest summer night of the year in my town 25th july.

But my idea was taken and twisted dates brought forward, changed charity and took all prizes from every food establisment in town now they wont hold another event so close. I was stung really but the money did go to charity (I Hope)so i'm not too mad, i just want my own event now.

So Im stuck !! Any ideas would be really appreciated as i think we will hold my event next year but i have to be careful not to share my ideas with my town.




  1. Car wash? In a busy area. We raised over a grand in my city.

  2. golf tournament

  3. a bowl-a-thon, dance-a-thon or walk-a-thon seems like it would be easy to arrange.

    or try organizing a "senior" prom or a costume party.

    if it's during the summer, rent out a local community pool and charge admission. you could also raise money from hot dog, hamburger and drink sales.

  4. try rugby club, school, or leisure centre, guild hall, st john hall, or ask the local council if you could use the beach or the dock where you did the race for life tombola... try raffle prizes could be one hour swimming session at local leisure, face painting hire a bouncy castle, soak the boss (if your boss would be willing) play outdoor skittles, throw the bean bag, get a choc fountain/fondue on the go and sell strawberry's dipped in choc fresh from the fountain/ fondue, do an egg and spoon/relay race. dress up get some people dressed up in silly costumes to give out flyers and do the face painting. Or you could do a dressing up relay game dress up in as many different themes as poss b4 the timer runs out first prize a cuddly toy and £20 2nd prize a cuddly toy and £10 and 3rd prize a cuddly toy (big ones), get someone who can juggle to to a taster session, teach them how to juggle? do an obstacle course or hire one out and get them to do it in a inflatable sumo suits get a Helium & Air Balloon Vending Machine or buy a bunch to sell, hope this helps

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