
Where Can I Buy Cheap Wood?

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My friend and I need some wood because we are building a tree house. It needs to be strong so we can stand on it, but we can't afford super expensive wood. We need beams not just big flat pieces.

If it helps then I live in Lymm, Cheshire




  1. You need to find a construction site and ask for scraps.

  2. if you come from M62,head for speke airport,then from there just follow signs for city centre/albert main set of traff lights junc parliament st/park rd ,cant miss it on left wood everwhere (might see trotters three wheeler there also)

  3. In the USA, a lot of individuals are offering scrap and excess wood on the local CRAIGLIST under FREE and also asking under ITEMS WANTED.  

    Unfortunately I could not find anything in Great Britain...

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