
Where Can I Find a List of Official Cross Country Running rules?

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I'm a high school level runner in Ohio. I need to find out if there are any specific uniform regulations against "unnaturally" dyed hair(like blue, purple, etc). I have a feeling that if I asked my coach she would say there was a rule, whether there was or not. I figure if I go to her with proof that there is no rule, then there won't be a problem.




  1. good question    i got dq twice last year for the stupidest reasons i have ever heard of

  2. The rules are different for different countys, you would have to ask your coach.

  3. I got this from the Ohio High School Athletics Association website,

    Looks like you're good, it doesn't say anything about unnaturally dyed hair. I copied and pasted so you can show it to your coach.


    Uniforms must be worn as intended by the manufacturer.

    The complete cross country and track and field uniform consists of shoes, school-issued track bottoms and full-length track top (singlet) or one piece uniform . Bare midriff tops are not acceptable. The top must hang below or be tucked into the waistband of the bottoms when the competitor is standing erect. Any visible shirt worn under the top and other visible apparel worn under the bottom must be unadorned and of a single (and the same) color. Visible items worn under both the top and the bottom do not have to the same color. The top and bottom may have school identification, and the top may have the competitor’s name. The top shall not be knotted. Also a single manufacturer's logo or trade name(no more than 2 ¼ square inches in size with no dimension exceeding 2 ¼ inches) is permissible per each item of uniform apparel. The American flag may be worn on the uniform and shall not exceed 2" x 3". Bottoms may vary in length and style, but must be the same color for all team members.

    In relay races in track and field and in cross country team competition, each team member shall wear the same color and design school uniform (top and bottom or one piece uniform). Any visible shirt worn under the top and other visible apparel worn under the bottom must be unadorned and of the same color for all teammates choosing to wear it.

    A shoe is a covering for the foot having an upper and a definitely recognizable sole and heel. The upper must be designed so that is can be securely fastened to the foot by laces or velcro. Track spikes may not exceed 1/2 inch in length measured from the sole to the tip of the spike. Unless deemed unsuitable by meet management, track spikes up to one inch in length may be used for cross country competition. The use of slippers or socks does not meet the requirements of the rule.

    In Ohio, high school track and field competitors are required to wear the school-issued jersey with the number permanently attached to the back of the jersey. The numerals shall be plain Arabic numerals of a contrasting color with the jersey color and must be a minimum of 4" in height. Matching numbers may be attached to the front. Each school is assigned a range of numbers that may be used.

    Contestants shall not wear jewelry with the exception of religious or medical medals. A religious medal must be taped and worn under the uniform. A medical alert must be taped and may be visible.

    (PENALTY: For an illegal uniform or illegal equipment/jewelry, the competitor is disqualified from the event).

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