
Where Can I Get A £20 A Week Job Am Sick On Incapacity Benefit?

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Am sick so am on Incapacity benefit and ive been told am allowed to work as long as my earnings dont go past £20. Now considering the miniumumwage is £5.52, 4 hours would exceed that. Then again id only lose £2.08. So what could i do? Ive actually considered delivering newspapers even though am 25 as the extra £20 a week would help.




  1. People often look for gardeners/cleaners for their homes (rich buggers) have a look in the EE and see, or the free Abdn papers. Not sure how Incapacitated you are, but I know people in the same situation. What about being a carer, taking people out for couple hours, couple times a week?

    Sarah x

  2. I would so do a paper round... my sis is on incapicity and I told her to do it!

    Or be a leaflet distributor.. they get poo pay but i think get cash in hand,

    Def try looking for a cash in hand job... maybe like at a car wash.

  3. what are you sick with mind me asking? reason being is if your on incapacity benefit for the right reason you shouldn't be able to work that is what it covers for, did you sprain a finger or something?

    I work in retail full time with a crippling back problem that i had to wear a brace for for years as a teenager, i have flat feet and problems with my joints. (hms) look it up and i work.

    Try evaluating your illness and decide for yourself.. personally i think your being lazy and your trying to con the system.

  4. Sick with what ??

    The thought of having to get a job ??

  5. Get your local council to start a 'Slivers of Time' organisation for the locality. This enables you and others to work when and for how long and how much an what you want to do.

    Sounds too good , doesn't it ? Check out the website <> Its supported and funded by the British Govt., so it's not a scam.

    Good luck.

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