
Where Can I Get My Ears Pierced?

by  |  earlier

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I have my ears pierced, but I want second holes. Last year I went to Piercing Pagoda and they did my second holes WAY crooked! So that was $20 down the drain. And I know people who have gone to Claire's and gotten crappy results.

I will NOT go to Claire's and I'm once bitten twice shy about going back to Piercing Pagoda. I can't think of any other place in our mall that pierces ears. I would like to go to a professional, but I don't know of any. How can I find one NEARBY?




  1. If you don't trust the folks at the mall go to a local tattoo/piercing parlor.

  2. icing did my second one twice because i let it close up but they did my bottom ones when i was 4 too its really great!

    or google piercing shops: where ever you live

  3. tatoo paulors

    but make sure its clean

  4. Oh I went to Piercing Pagoda for my third holes and they did an excellent job! Anyways, try Icing by Claire's.I guess you could go to a tattoo parlor, but I've never been there so I wouldn't know. You could always do it yourself! Go to and check out some videos on how to pierce it yourself. :) good luck!

  5. wallmart dah

  6. Hmmm...well I went to Piercing Pagoda at my mall when I was 10 to get my ears pierced for the first time. It came out fine in my opinion. I also went to a different Piercing Pagoda to get them done double, and again it was fine. I don't blame you for not wanting to go to Claire's. That place just seems very cheap to me. Ahaha. :D Well, maybe going to a different Piercing Pagoda, other than the one you got the crooked ones done?? Just a suggestion. :] Good luck !  

  7. Good choice for not going to Claire's! Look in your local phone book or yellow pages, they should have a listing of piercers.  

  8. usually places that do tattoos also offer piercings...i got my navel done at one and it was perfect; they're trained to actually know exactly how to do body piercings (not like claire's, where 19-year-old girls go through a week of training and are able to do it)

  9. sometimes jewelry stores pierce ears, try that.

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