
Where Can I Sell My Guide?!?!?

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I have a World of Warcraft guide about how to avoid scams in wow. It also tells how to do many of them *hint hint*. Most of the scams are money scams but some which are show how to avoid are like emails scams, phishing etc.

Where can I sell this which is not an online auction site?




  1. Alexis told you one great way.

    If you want something simple, you can just auction it on ebay.

    Just let's distinguish...

    if your guide is in EBOOK format then I recommend clickbank (and it's more profitable, too!). Why? Because you can sell multiple copies and make more money.

    And maybe you want to go and do a little research about selling ebooks online by going on this site (which is for marketing beginners, but go and register and you can download the videos you need):

    If your book is in PHYSICAL FORMAT then you might want to get it into ebook format. Or you might want to auction it on Ebay ( Selling it on ebay will be not so profitable as clickbank but if you want to make quick money maybe that's the thing you should be doing.

    hope this helped.


    You can advertise on MMO Tricks . But ultimately that's going to cost you more than just getting a Clickbank account.

    Other than that, I'm seeing that MMO-related forums aren't really e-book friendly. Yes... many of them do have guides. Either the guides are free, or the forum owner charges a membership fee to access the guides.

    I mean you could always join a bunch of WOW forums... answer peoples questions with helpful answers... and include a link in your signature, directing people back to your e-book site. But most WOW forums don't allow the signature option. And furthermore, they don't seem to look favorably upon users  who advertise.

    At least with the blog options I provided in my first response, you KNOW that they're e-book friendly. You know that site visitors are coming there to specifically read about e-books. That's half the battle already won. Work smarter - not harder.

    Plus if you give site owners the opportunity to become affiliates, they have an even greater incentive to promote your e-book.



    First set up a account so that you'll have a payment processor/affiliate management program all in one.

    Why? Because bloggers that review your e-book will probably want to be an affiliate. So get that taken care of early on.

    Then submit your e-book for review at World of Warcraft eBooks - .

    You might also want to submit to World of Warcraft Leveling -

    Even though this blog claims to be SEO related, they also review WOW e-books -

    Finally, I found a ton of blogs at ReviewMe that deal with WOW. You pay the blogger to review your e-book, but depending on the audience count, it might be worth it -

    Good luck!

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