
Where Can I find a Good Preschool ?

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in Orange county for my 2 year old that is not that expensive and has a good prestige.




  1. orange county...Schools-Public Orange County: Pre-School Diagnostic Exceptional Education

    Orlando, FL 32801

    (407) 317-3503

  2. I am sorry, i do not have children or a child. -.-'  But i am sure you can find a Great preschool on! Im sure of it. Best of luck, i wish the best for you and your families!

  3. here is a link that says some with in your range

  4. You need to actually go and visit around. Take your child with you so they can see how it is too and get a feel for it. A lot of the Preschools will offer what they call a free day or let you come in and observe. A good Preschool is one that allows you to observe anytime of the day you want and drop in whenever you feel. They have nothing to hide, the Teachers have their schooling, they seem generally happy to be there along with the children. The children should be smiling and having a good time. You just need to try them on yourself. What works for one child may not work for another.

  5. Where i live most churches offer pre-school services so try them.

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