
Where Can I get a Family Crest Seal ring?

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I'm looking to have a Family Coat of arms reverse-engraved on a seal ring. I wouldn't know where to look locally (I live in Chicago), and I've found a few websites such as, but these look like they're just trying to rip me of...

Any suggestions?




  1. You are totally correct that ANYTHING relating to family crests and merchandise, are going to be a rip off.  Shirley gave you a link to the College of Arms.  

    Be a wise consumer, and investigate this.  Sadly, many people don't, before dumping their money.

    Think about this.. what if, you traced your real ancestry and found out your gr grandfather was actually adopted, or something??

  2. First, there is no such thing as a family crest.  A crest is part of a coat of arms. Coats of arms were and are granted to individual men and are passed down through the direct legitimate male line of descent.  Only the oldest son is entitled to his father's coat of arms.  It goes from oldest son to oldest son down the line.  The other sons are entitled to one with some differences.

    Also, there might have been more than one man with your surname, not all necessarily related, that were each granted their own coat of arms, all different. Also, there are many men with that particular surname that are not entitled to any coat of arms at all.  Most aren't. No one peddler that sells them on the internet, at airports, at shopping malls, in magzines or solicit by mail will have all of them. They don't need to in order to sell to people.  The only time they will have more than one is if more than one man with the same surname from different national origins were granted one. Then they will have one of each and there might have been others.

    If you are entitled to a coat of arms, your father should have it or your grandfather.  However , if you feel it has become lost over the centuries, you need to submit your family tree to the heraldic authority of the partifcular country and they will determine if you are entitled to a coat of arms.  

    The ultimate authority is the British College of Arms.  I am furnishing you a link under sources to their website.  Also, I am furnishing you a link to the most prestigious genealogical organization in the U.S., The National Genealogical Society.

    People who display walnut plaques, keychains, coffee mugs, tshirts etc with a coat of arms on them are usually just dislaying one that was granted to someone with the same surname as theirs and might not even be related.  They might not be aware of it.

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