
Where Can you buy Backstage passes?

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to the honda civic Panic at The Disco Concert on may 25 in milwaukee wisconsin?????????????




  1. Usually you can obtain them from the same vendor who sells the general admission tickets, Ticketmaster, or Ticketron.

  2. That is NOT true, you cannot purchase backstage passes. They are usually given to working staff, artists, guests, members of the press, and contest winners, and are provided by either the record label or promoter who is putting on the concert.

    I used to have a web site where I would post live photos and concert reviews, then I would find out who the manager of a band is, email or call them, and ask them for a press pass to get photos for the web site. Still won't get you backstage though.

    Have you tried signing up for contests via the band's web site or calling your local rock station?

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