
Where Do Queens come from?

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Where Do Queens come from?




  1. The monarchs all earned their spots in the political pantheon thousands of years ago,when they proved to be strong leaders.They were strong warriors who were able to win lots of lands and the allegiance of people willing to help them form a cohesive group that would form a country. It's a very long story.

  2. Some are born to be queen (Queens Regnant) others become queens by marrying Kings (king consorts)

  3. They come from fertilized eggs in which the egg has the X chromosome and the sperm also has the X chromosome. It's called the circle of life.

  4. Some are born into it due to bloodlines,but others come into it by  different circumstances.If King Edward VIII had not abdicated in 1936  to become Duke of Windsor,Elizabeth would have simply been another royal pricess.

  5. A womb.

  6. Queens are basically the child of a King & Queen of a certain area, who goes to marry another King of another area.

  7. They come from marying a prince.

    That is royal.

    The throne is usually acquired when

    the family defeats a big royal power,

    and decides to rule the country.

  8. Kings.

    And they usually marry younger kings...usually.

    Or they come from the common people, but marry a King.

  9. a queen can be a monarch of her own right as our current queen is or can be a queen consort like the queen mother was

  10. erm... la la land? As they sure as h**l don't speak the same language as us?!

    maybe you should ask George Michael or Elton John for a more detailed description  ;)

  11. from kings that make them.... you are born princess and when the ruler dies you become queen if you are next in line

  12. New York, Queens, LOL!

  13. Queens generally come from kings, either the king her father, in which case she may be a Queen Regnant, or the king her husband, in which case she would be a Queen Consort.

    A Queen Regnant is a sovereign ruler just as any king is. She reigns until she dies (or abdicates or is deposed).

    A Queen Consort enjoys the title and the status during her husband's lifetime, but her husband is the sovereign ruler. Her queenly status ends when her marriage does, either by the death of her husband the king or by divorce. (As a courtesy, a widow of a deceased king continues to be addressed as "Your Majesty" and referred to as "Queen Elizabeth".)

  14. england?

  15. queens comes form royal v****a

  16. Royalty or married to royalty and then one can become a Queen.

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