
Where Exactly can i find SOY CHEESE???

by  |  earlier

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here in the manila, PHILIPPINEs...

i really really really really need it...





  1. At an organic store,most likely.

    Answer mine,pleaseeee.

  2. I have no clue where you'd get in in Manila, but I think you should be warned. A LOT of soy cheese actually has milk in it. It's marketed towards lactose intolerants, and contains casein (milk protein) and "natural cheese flavoring" from milk. While it doesn't bother lactose intolerants physically, I can't imagine a vegan who would want to go anywhere near it. :(

  3. Soy and other vegan cheeses can be bought at stores such as Traders Joe, Whole Foods, and HEB. A lot of other natural food stores and some major chain stores carry them as well. You can also buy it online at vegan shopping sites, such as:

    Just search cheese or go to their grocery section.

    If there is a particular brand you are looking for go to their website and click on store locator and they will tell you where their products are sold.

    You can also make your own soy/vegan cheeses search websites such as vegweb or recipezaar and search for vegan cheese and recipes would show up. As well the Uncheeses cookbooks have fantastic cheese recipes in them, that are vegan.

  4. if there is a Trader Joes around you it would be there.

  5. do you have a wegmans by you?

    thats where i get mine

  6. It should be by the organic vegtibles are in your produce area at your local grocery store

  7. A health food store.  Look in your phonebook.

  8. if your vegan, type in 'vegan gourmet cheese' on asearch engine, that and toffutti brand cheese are the only good tasting vegan ones

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