
Where I can Get Paying Guest Accommodation preferably with Escort at Munich?

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We are travelling for 10 days to Munich during the month of of September 06, Wants an Escort to work as a Translator on our Exhibition Stall.




  1. First, when asking that question you really should phrase it differently; Translator/Guide for example. Using Escort in your question that way just made it sound like something else. After reading your qualifing statement I understood what you are looking for. Contact the exhibition firm where you have rented your stall they should be able to organize that for you, or your hotel. Do not hire some one of the street because while they may speak English they may not know the ins and outs of business langauges for example.

  2. September '06??? Are you traveling back into time as well???  

    I live in Northern Germany, so I am surely no big help for you, I think....

    But, most Germans speaks English quite well, so you don't really need a special translator for your travels, I believe.

  3. Yes, I thought you meant a different type of escort too... I am sure you will be able to find someone to show you around and the German people are very friendly and I hope you have a lovely trip! Take care.

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