
Where I can buy cheapest cigettrets in PA?

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Where I can buy cheapest cigettrets in PA?




  1. well i don't know where you are in PA. You can buy really cheap cigs in and around edinboro. This may not help at all because PA is so huge but any where in PA is cheaper then NJ, So F*c*ing ridiculous. and in regards to the justin and his previous awnser shut the fu*k up. Smokers know the risk but just to let you know non-smokers have a 1 in 3 chance of getting cancer so really how much worse can it get. I smoke because I just lost a really good friend of mine (practically my brother) and it is one of the few things that can dull the pain for awhile. You will die as a non-smoker and I really do not give a f*ck if I might die sooner, I do not need a lecture from the likes of you or any one else.

  2. Might as well commit suicide now :)

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