
Where I can find good help about Real-Time Delivery of Orders in Yahoo store?

by  |  earlier

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As I am able to find some documents at and i hvae itegrate the perl script at our server, it is not working

and it return The error was:

KeyValue( returns 105

Please help me.




  1. In your store manager go to ORDER EMAILS. Make sure that you select IMMEDIATELY in the send option.

    And publish your store.

    This should do it.

  2. You can contact customer support by phone at 1-800-318-0783, it is much faster than contact us E-mail (24 hr. turn around) from help-contact us page. Tracking your received and shipped orders should be done by you, your shipper or if shipped direct from a vendor/manufacturer by them. Any of these shippers should be Abel to send you confirmation and delivery time etc. If you allowed E-mail would help with getting help quicker.

    Hope this helps

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