
Where I can find videos of real dogfights of turbojet planes???

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Where I can find videos of real dogfights of turbojet planes???




  1. Yup, Youtube.

    Froglet, you fail at life.

  2. If the Heads Up Display is showing weapons engagement parameters, you ain't gonna see it-Secret.  However, there's lots of stuff out there from Vietnam, and the '67/'73 Arab-Israeli Wars.

  3. Youtube.  Froglet you're dumb.

  4. Dog fights are sick and cruel - why would you want to watch animals suffering?

    Ah - My bad - I thought it said OR not OF! Whoops!

    Not dumb, but probably shouldn't be using the internet at 2.00am when Im half asleep!

  5. try youtube it has pretty much everything


  6. You will only find snipets of HUD footage or airplanes flying around.  There is really no way to film an aerial engagement and have it make any sense to the uninformed.

    If I took a camera with me into the fight, I might as well just throw the camera in the laundry and turn it on -- you'd get the same violent tumbling senseless footage.  If I filmed the fight from outside the two aircraft doing it at a safe distance, it would look like two dots flying around doing tricks and not make any sense either (you could watch two knats fly around in your window and get the same effect).  To top it off, if you didn't know anything about dogfighting, and you went up in the back seat of a fighter to view a dogfight, you still wouldn't know what the heck is going on because you would be tossed around, crushed under G, and otherwise dazed and confused as to where you even are in the world let alone in relation to another aircraft.  Then you would probably heave your lunch.  Sorry, there's just no good way to do it.

  7. history channel  dogfights

  8. Try this website

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