
Where Is The Best Place To Hide My Diary?

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I really need to think of a good spot,,HELP!! I have twin brothers and they are both younger than me. They practically follow me everywhere and sneak up on me randomly and say "AH-HAH!!" and it's really stupid I gotta think of something genious here.




  1. get yourself a little locker in which you can hide your diary and keep the key on a chain around your neck(: if you don't wnna buy a locker,get a lock to put on your cupboard

  2. ~under your bed matress

    ~in something that's really gross to boys that they never want to go near

    ~in the basement/attic with lots of boxes everywhere

    ~underneath seat of car

    ~tape it to the bottom of your bed like on the springs or wood panels

    ~don't hide it in your underwear drawer or something like that its to obvious

    ~cover the diary with the cover of another book

    ~lock it in a box/locker in your room

    ~don't hide it in your parents room depending on the kind of people they are they are they might look through it ( i know my parents would especially my mom)

    ~tape it to the behind of big peices of furnichure that they wouldn't think of but a place small enogh for you to get your diary

            * hope this helps! i know how it feels my sister will never leave me alone and wants to know everything that I'm doing she reads all my texts and wants to hang out with my friends and i all the time*

  3. Lock box

    Under your bed

    In your pillowcase

    Get a really thick textbook from school or somewhere, hollow out the pages, and stick your diary in that so then it just looks like a  normal, boring textbook

    Never leave your diary alone--ALWAYS keep it with you

    Close your door and make it so it can't be opened while you hide your diary

    If you have wooden floors underneath of a carpet, take up some of the carpet in the corner of your room (without your parent's knowing, of course), undo some of the wooden planks, and stick your diary in there, then just place the planks back down without making it permanate, and lay the carpet back down! That would be super sneaky!

  4. when I was little my friend tried 2 things and they seemed to work out ( I hid mine in a box full of winter clothes) She would duct tape it to the back of the toilet and or put it in a ziplock bag and put it in the toilets tank...(its weird but it worked apparently boys dont think girls would be that desperate lol) good luck

  5. under the matress of your bed, between the matress and the thing the matress rests on.

  6. Keep with their previous year school books.

  7. Under your bed, in your underwear draw... everyone hides it in obvious places, be original.

  8. in a pillow or a teddy bear

    my teddy bear had a slit in it and thats where i hide my special things no onewould ever know : )

  9. You can keep it in your stuffed closet.That may work.

  10. In a hidden password protected file on your computer... shelf...your a lock box...

  11. a great place is to pull out the bottom drawer in your dresser and theres a gap under it that you can hide it :D no one will ever know!

  12. 1. buy  purse and carry it with u all d time.

    2. in Ur school backpack.

    3. any place they 'd never suspected.

    4. instead of writing down by hand, just type it in Ur yahoo mail draft. and review it every time.

    5. among the most messiest place in Ur room.

  13. Hide

    - In A Pillow

    - Under Your Bed

    - In A Box

    - Get A Lock For It

    - ( Im Running Out Of Ideas )

    - In A Closet ( Of You Have One )

    - ( These Are Off The Top Of My Head )

    - Under Something

    - In One Of Your Clothes Drawer ( Best I Think )

    - Some Where High

    - ( I Can't Think Of Anymore )

    - Oh And In Between The Matress!

    ( lol ) Well There Is Some For Ya!

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