
Where Is The Collisium? Rome,or Milan?

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I probably spelled it incorrectly,but you understand what I'm talking about,yes? My mom and i are debating,is it in Rome,or Milan? I think it's in Rome.




  1. If it has two "S's" it is in Rome, one it is in Los Angeles

    Go rent "Gladiator" with Russell Crowe"

    I take it Mom doesn't drive a Ferrari.

    Believe me after you grow out of questions about soda pop and breakfast cereals, you and mom will debate over other how much oregano to put in the pizza sauce. Ha!

    Good luck, Lauren.

  2. il colosseo e' a roma!!

  3. Just came back this week.. and yup its in Rome.. everything is very close to each other walking distance. Loved walking through the streets and running into the cute and beatiful characteristics of Rome.

  4. ROME

  5. Rome. Been there. There are similar arenas in other places (Verona for one) but the biggest and most famous is in Rome.

  6. You are correct it is in Rome.

    There are however multiple places in the old Roman empire where gladiatorial games were held.

  7. Rome.. net to the ruines od neron about 15 min walk from the fountaine di trevi

  8. Are you serious? Why don't you look it up? It is in Rome, which was once the most important power of the old world and which is now the capital of Italy.

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