
Where?/ Walking into a unisex bathroom.

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I'm 13 and if there was a unisex bathroom with the urinal and the toilet RIGHT next to each other with nothing blocking the either 1 and there was a girl using the toilet could I still go in and use the urinal? Also, I live in St. Peters, Missouri for people who live here or for people who where would I find a unisex bathroom like that?




  1. You're not the sick one here. It's the person who came up with the concept of this bathroom. Don't even go there. You wouldn't want a girl walking in on you using the urinal.

    By the way, unisex bathrooms don't have urinals. They have normal toilets and men have to leave the seat up.

  2. It is only meant to be used by one person at a time.

  3. A serious answer to a slightly warped question:

    Most unisex restrooms don't have urinals.  Also, most unisex restrooms have locks on the door, since they're intended to be used by one person at a time.  

  4. You want to find a unisex bathroom with no stalls so you can watch a girl use the toilet. Lovely.

  5. But what the heck is the purpose of this? You just want to watch some girl using the toilet??

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