
Where/What is the Murray Darling River?

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Where does the Murray-Darling River start ?

Does the Murray-Darling River starts at the point where the Murray River and Darling River meets?

Is it referred as the Murray Darling basin ?

Does it exist ?




  1. The Murry Darling River starts in western Queensland, Australia and in the Darling region (NSW) and drains southward towards the Murry River. Thus the Murray/Darling Basin. It is referred to as a basin because it is a massive water shed that drains west of the Great Dividing Range, trending southward forming the Murray River. There are also several other rivers feeding into the area, the Murrumbidgee, the Gulburn, Macquarie and the Barwin to name a few.

    See the link for more info-

  2. The Murray-Darling Basin is 3,370km long, drains one-seventh of the Australian land mass, and is currently by far the most significant agricultural area in Australia. The name of the basin is derived from its two major rivers, the Murray River and the Darling River.

    Most of the 1,061,469 km² basin is flat, low-lying and far inland, and receives little rainfall. The many rivers it contains tend to be long and slow-flowing, and carry a volume of water that is large only by Australian standards.

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