
Where am I at in this? What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have gone on a few "dates" with this woman. Dinners, movies, etc.. She has even left me alone with her kids, at her home, while she went to go do something quick.

Funny thing is, is that she has never really been very emotional towards me, sometimes she says very little to me. She responds to any text messages I send her; but she rarely to never sends me anything.

I have always given her a gift on her birthday, christmas, etc. And she has given me one small gift at christmas this year, and "forgot" my birthday.

ok. I recently asked her who I was to her, and if we could be more than friends. she responded by saying that she does not feel that way and that she was sorry and i am important to her but wants us to stay friends and someone she can turn to.

She has been really hurt in the past.

I guess what I really want to ask is this.

Should I give up any chance of being more than friends with her; should I get rid of and bury any feelings I have for her as someone I could love?




  1. If you love her and willing to be part of her life no matter how pain it could be no matter how hurt it may cause but if your tough and brave enough for such called just a simple word,love,why would you give up.

    The reason she said that is because she know what is it like pain.She had felt pain and she is  somewhat of a person who cries alone quietly,shes feeling loneliness.Hardly people could understand what kind of situation a person like her would been through each day.She is a tough person though cause even how pain she felt before in the past,she could control her mind that she didn't let her heart overcomes her mind of being a close minded person.

    She just don't want to feel the past.Its hard to forget the past and sorrowness sometimes though its even more painful when you have to repeat the same mistake when you know that your wrong all along.

    Give her some times,let her clear up her mind and is willing to accept a man's love.But ask yourself,are you going to be the guy who is always there for her,who would make her happy and cheers her up whenevr she needed it,could you be the rightful person to understand and ready to be part of her life even when it cause you pain for the sake of the woman you love.

    What can a Man could possibly do for love.You know the answer.She does care about you and trusted you,that is why she never wanted to hurt you.Your just misunderstanding,sometimes a person needs time to recover from the past.Shes pretty mixed up right now.Could you be her pychologist and heal her from her miserable ?

    She had feel enough.You must not blame her and ruin your heart for saying that she never cares about you.Don't just go saying things but try to understand  her,try to understand why things like that are happening.Try to understand what makes she say that to you.What gives to every action and responses she chooses to make and soon enough you would figure it out.

    All You need is to understand.Clear up your mind and concentrade.

  2. man, she is using you.... move on....  get a girl that is head over heels for you!!!

  3. I would say don't even bother with the "I could love her" if she told you she dose not see you anything other than a friend i would suggest you stick with that and move on feel free to help her but don't be her little "*****" I see you doing things for her other that friend like. You should not really be buying her any gifts i think that its a wast of time and money for you. I think maybe she might be seeing someone else. She may have been hurt in the past and if you cant erase that off her mind someone else might be able to. But i strongly think that you should back off and when she needs your friendship in the proper way like she said she wants to be able to turn to you and you be there with out feeling awkward. You are just clearly not the person she can see with her in a relationship. Good Luck :)

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