
Where and When does one truly find another?

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Thanks in advance for answering. Peace, Love and Blessings!




  1. I am not sure you can put a place and date or time on this even happening in your life.  Honestly, I think this can happen without your realization.  I think it can creep up on you and surprise you.  But what I think it really depends on is what kind of relationship you share with a person.  Sure, it should be a given that you are close, but you need to have an intimate emotional relationship with this person.  Both of you need to be vulnerable and trust the other with all those secrets, fears, dreams, desires, weaknesses, etc... And as each of you learn to love and support each other you grow and truly find yourself as well as a special place to your other.  I think some call this soul mates, which is very rare, and as I feel like I have accomplished this, I definitely suggest others to seek until you find it, it is an amazing feeling!

    Thanks for reading!

  2. I went halfway round the world to China and met my (Russian NOT Chinese) wife by accident basically...

  3. The moment when you are not.

  4. When one finds themselves. But really now, we have said to much. Would you like some tea? *sip*

  5. Each of us seeks that spark of the divine in the other.  When we find that spark in the other, it unites with our own, and we are both increased and fed spiritually by it.  It is the most deeply satisfying and enriching experience two humans can have and usually comes through sincere and honest discourse at a higher level or through sharing some extreme difficulty.  For me, those times have been when I've truly found another.  

  6. if you believe in fate and destiny, than fate and destiny will allow you to truly find your other half  

  7. My guess is that after you have looked within to find yourself, you then look without to see the other standing there before you, quite by surprise, and totally unexpectedly!  

  8. Fate brings the significant other to your threshold, and destiny tears apart your heart when the moment of predestined betrayal arrives ...

  9. When the time and the surroundings are perfect for it to happen!

  10. [1:1]

    Where and When the Holy Spirit (praise be to God) brings us together.


    "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now i know in part, but then i shall know just as i am also known."

    "He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is full of Mercy to the Believers."

    SubhanAllahi wa biHamdihi!

    (oh we love Allah)

    p.s.  when are you ever going to get off level 1?  :)


  11. When one has been found.

  12. truly? never

  13. Truth is the path to love, and love is the only thing worth pursuing.A partner is meant to COMPLIMENT you NOT COMPLETE you. you do not need any one to complete you. ... find your self and love will find you in all its glory and heart-bursting happiness.

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